It turned out not to be another Adkins diet. It was a well thought out, well balanced diet. It is a very healthy diet. It basically eliminates sugar and, as science is now finding out, sugar is not at all good for you. It has become a proven fact. Unfortunately, like most people, I am a sugar addict. So, while I was impressed by the diet, I was disappointed. Learning to get off sugar was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I feel for everyone who has a sweet tooth. When I get home from work I want to eat a huge bowl of ice cream and of course have some chocolate. I am so thankful for sugar free ice cream. I have been able to control this habit by relying on sugar free subsitutes.Unfortunately I cannot use chemical substitues, such as NutraSweet so this is very difficult. I am one of those people that has to have something sweet. And now I can do this. This was the biggest hurdle of diets and now that hurdle has been overcome.
Also, I've found the best way to avoid temptation is to have a huge desirable goal in mind that this sacrifice is dependent on. This is a great motivator. Have a goal that is dependent on your losing weight and work for that goal and it will help you to keep to your diet. Think about it daily and make it a big dream. Visualize yourself as the size you want to be. Speak out something like this, "I am my perfect weight of 130 lbs." This helps implant this thought into your subconcious. See yourself thin.
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